The Hauser Group



Academic Journals

  1. Andreas W. Hauser, Paul R. Horn, Martin Head-Gordon, Alexis T. Bell. A systematic study on Pt based, subnanometer-sized alloy cluster catalysts for alkane dehydrogenation: effects of intermetallic interaction. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(16):10906-10917, 2016. details download
  2. Jason Wu, Shaama Mallikarjun Sharada, Chris Ho, Andreas W. Hauser, Martin Head-Gordon, Alexis T. Bell. Ethane and propane dehydrogenation over PtIr/Mg(Al)O. Applied Catalysis A: General, 506:25-32, 2015. details download
  3. Andreas W. Hauser, Joseph Gomes, Michal Bajdich, Martin Head-Gordon, Alexis T. Bell. Subnanometer-sized Pt/Sn alloy cluster catalysts for the dehydrogenation of linear alkanes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(47):20727-20734, 2013. details download

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