Academic Journals
- Johann V. Pototschnig, Ralf Meyer, Andreas W. Hauser, Wolfgang E. Ernst. Vibronic transitions in the alkali-metal (Li, Na, K, Rb) – alkaline-earth-metal (Ca, Sr) series: A systematic analysis of de-excitation mechanisms based on the graphical mapping of Frank-Condon integrals. Physical Review A, 95(2), 2017. download
- K. Beloy, M. G. Kozlov, A. Borschevsky, A. W. Hauser, V. V. Flambaum, P. Schwerdtfeger. Rotational spectrum of the molecular ion NH+ as a probe for α and me/mp variation. Physical Review A, 83(6), 2011. download
- Christian Giese, Frank Stienkemeier, Marcel Mudrich, Andreas W. Hauser, Wolfgang E. Ernst. Homo- and heteronuclear alkali metal trimers formed on helium nanodroplets. Part II. Femtosecond spectroscopy and spectra assignments. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(42):18769-18780, 2011. download
- Andreas W. Hauser, Wolfgang E. Ernst. Homo- and heteronuclear alkali metal trimers formed on helium nanodroplets. Part I. Vibronic spectra simulations based on ab initio calculations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(42):18762-18768, 2011. download
- K. Beloy, A. W. Hauser, A. Borschevsky, V. V. Flambaum, P. Schwerdtfeger. Effect of α variation on the vibrational spectrum of Sr2. Physical Review A, 84(6), 2011. download
- Andreas W. Hauser, Gerald Auböck, Carlo Callegari, Wolfgang E. Ernst. Relativistic Jahn–Teller effects in the quartet states of K3 and Rb3: A vibronic analysis of the 2 E4’←1 A42’ electronic transitions based on ab initio calculations. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 132(16), 2010. download
- Andreas W. Hauser, Carlo Callegari, Pavel Soldán, Wolfgang E. Ernst. A Jahn–Teller analysis of K3 and Rb3 in the electronic states 12E’ and 12E″. Chemical Physics, 375(1):73-84, 2010.
- Andreas W. Hauser, Carlo Callegari, Pavel Soldán, Wolfgang E. Ernst. On the doublet states of the potassium trimer. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 129(4), 2008. download
- Johann Nagl, Gerald Auböck, Andreas W. Hauser, Olivier Allard, Carlo Callegari, Wolfgang E. Ernst. High-spin alkali trimers on helium nanodroplets: Spectral separation and analysis. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 128(15), 2008. download
- Johann Nagl, Gerald Auböck, Andreas W. Hauser, Olivier Allard, Carlo Callegari, Wolfgang E. Ernst. Heteronuclear and Homonuclear High-Spin Alkali Trimers on Helium Nanodroplets. Physical Review Letters, 100(6), 2008. download
- Johann Nagl, Andreas W. Hauser, Gerald Auböck, Carlo Callegari, Wolfgang E. Ernst. Optical Spectroscopy of Potassium-Doped Argon Clusters. Experiments and Quantum-Chemistry Calculations †. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 111(49):12386-12397, 2007. download
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