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Michael Renzler, Matthias Daxner, Lorenz Kranabetter, Alexander Kaiser, Andreas W. Hauser, Wolfgang E. Ernst, Albrecht Lindinger, Robert Zillich, Paul Scheier, Andrew M. Ellis. Communication: Dopant-induced solvation of alkalis in liquid helium nanodroplets. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 145(18), 2016.


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{Alkali metal atoms and small alkali clusters are classic heliophobes and when in contact with liquid helium they reside in a dimple on the surface. Here we show that alkalis can be induced to submerge into liquid helium when a highly polarizable co-solute, C60, is added to a helium nanodroplet. Evidence is presented that shows that all sodium clusters, and probably single Na atoms, enter the helium droplet in the presence of C60. Even clusters of cesium, an extreme heliophobe, dissolve in liquid helium when C60 is added. The sole exception is atomic Cs, which remains at the surface.}


[ He-dft ] [ Nanodroplets ]

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Renzler, Michael and Daxner, Matthias and Kranabetter, Lorenz and Kaiser, Alexander and Hauser, Andreas W. and Ernst, Wolfgang E. and Lindinger, Albrecht and Zillich, Robert and Scheier, Paul and Ellis, Andrew M.},
   Title = {{Communication: Dopant-induced solvation of alkalis in liquid helium nanodroplets}},
   Journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics},
   Volume = {145},
   Number = {18},
   Year = {2016}

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