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Bernhard Thaler, Ralf Meyer, Pascal Heim, Sascha Ranftl, Johann V. Pototschnig, Andreas W. Hauser, Markus Koch, Wolfgang E. Ernst. Conservation of Hot Thermal Spin–Orbit Population of 2P Atoms in a Cold Quantum Fluid Environment. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123(18):3977-3984, 2019.


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{The 0.4 K internal temperature of superfluid helium nanodroplets is believed to guarantee a corresponding ground-state population of dopant atoms and molecules inside this cryogenic matrix. We have recorded 6s ← 5p excitation spectra of indium atoms in helium droplets and found two absorption bands separated by about 2000 cm– 1, a value close to the spin–orbit (SO) splitting of the In 2P ground state. The intensities of the bands agree with a thermal population of the 2P1/2 and 2P3/2 states at 870 K, the temperature of the In pick-up cell. Applying femtosecond pump–probe spectroscopy, we found the same dynamical response of the helium solvation shell after the photoexcitation of the two bands. He-density functional theory simulations of the excitation spectra are in agreement with the bimodal structure. Our findings show that the population of SO levels of hot dopants is conserved after pick-up inside the superfluid droplet. Implications for the interpretation of experiments on molecular aggregates are discussed.}


[ He-dft ] [ Nanodroplets ]

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Thaler, Bernhard and Meyer, Ralf and Heim, Pascal and Ranftl, Sascha and Pototschnig, Johann V. and Hauser, Andreas W. and Koch, Markus and Ernst, Wolfgang E.},
   Title = {{Conservation of Hot Thermal Spin–Orbit Population of 2P Atoms in a Cold Quantum Fluid Environment}},
   Journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry A},
   Volume = {123},
   Number = {18},
   Pages = {3977--3984},
   Year = {2019}

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