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Andreas W Hauser, Peter Schwerdtfeger. Nanoporous graphene sheets for gas separation. In Graphene Science Handbook, Mahmood Aliofkhazraei, Nasar Ali, William I. Milne, Cengiz S. Ozkan, Stanislaw Mitura, Juana L. Gervasoni (eds.), pp. 473-486, Taylor and Francis, 2016.
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{Chemical inertness and an essentially two-dimensional geometry make porous graphene sheets a promising material for gas separation applications. Selectivity towards a certain gas species is mainly determined by molecular size, which makes the pore diameter the essential parameter for a fine-tuning of the separating behavior. However, the transition of molecules through graphene pores in the sub-nanometer regime is an intrinsically quantum-mechanical process and needs to be looked at by means of computational chemistry. Effects of surface adsorption, geometry deformation and even quantum tunneling play an important role in certain systems. This is illustrated by the application of density functional theory to finite pore models and a selection of industrially relevant gases.}
Keywords [ Gas separation ] [ Graphene ] [ Membrane ]
BibTex Reference
@InCollection{Schwerdtfeger, Author = {Hauser, Andreas W and Schwerdtfeger, Peter}, Title = {{Nanoporous graphene sheets for gas separation}}, BookTitle = {Graphene Science Handbook}, editor = {Aliofkhazraei, Mahmood and Ali, Nasar and Milne, William I. and Ozkan, Cengiz S. and Mitura, Stanislaw and Gervasoni, Juana L.}, Pages = {473--486}, Publisher = {Taylor and Francis}, Year = {2016} }
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