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K. Beloy, M. G. Kozlov, A. Borschevsky, A. W. Hauser, V. V. Flambaum, P. Schwerdtfeger. Rotational spectrum of the molecular ion NH+ as a probe for α and me/mp variation. Physical Review A, 83(6), 2011.
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{We identify the molecular ion NH+ as a potential candidate for probing variations in the fine-structure constant α and electron-to-proton mass ratio μ. NH+ has an anomalously low-lying excited 4Σ- state, being only a few hundred cm-1 above the ground 2Π state. Being a light molecule, this proximity is such that rotational levels of the respective states are highly intermixed for low angular momenta. We find that several low-frequency transitions within the collective rotational spectrum experience enhanced sensitivity to α and μ variation. This is attributable to the close proximity of the 2Π and 4Σ- states, as well as the ensuing strong spin-orbit coupling between them. Suggestions that NH+ may exist in interstellar space and recent predictions that trapped-ion precision spectroscopy will be adaptable to molecular ions make NH+ a promising system for future astrophysical and laboratory studies of α and μ variation.}
Keywords [ Ab initio ] [ Fundamental constants ] [ Spectroscopy ]
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@article{Schwerdtfeger.20110ta, Author = {Beloy, K. and Kozlov, M. G. and Borschevsky, A. and Hauser, A. W. and Flambaum, V. V. and Schwerdtfeger, P.}, Title = {{Rotational spectrum of the molecular ion NH+ as a probe for α and me/mp variation}}, Journal = {Physical Review A}, Volume = {83}, Number = {6}, Year = {2011} }
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