Leibnitzkopf Rock Glacier (Carinthia, Austria):

Leibnitzkopf rock glacier, Austria
Leibnitzkopf rock glacier (46°55'51" N, 12°42'43" E) is located at the head of Leibnitz valley, Schober Mountains, Hohe Tauern Range, Austria. The rock glacier lobe has a max. length of 350 m and a max. width of 200 m. Its lower limit is at approx. 2450 m. The main flow direction is from east to west with at least two distinct debris supply channels originating from the steep slopes of Törlkopf (2755 m) and Leibnitzkopf (2863 m). The confining frontal and marginal slopes are well developed and steep. Buchenauer (1990) assessed Leibnitzkopf rock glacier as being most probably inactive.
Leibnitzkopf rock glacier. Photograph taken in August 2012. Viewing direction in southeasterly direction.

References (selected):

Animation of rock glacier movement: https://www.staff.tugraz.at/viktor.kaufmann/animations.html#Leibnitzkopf_rock_glacier

For more information on rock glacier kinematics, please see http://www.staff.tugraz.at/viktor.kaufmann/Leibnitzkopf_Rock_Glacier/

last update: october 12, 2021

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