Viktoria Pammer-Schindler

Viktoria Pammer-Schindler



I'm an associate professor at Graz University of Technology and research area manager at the Know-Center.

Research - Teaching - CVContact


Ongoing Lectures:

The below lectures are in addition to all kinds of ad personam teaching for computer science and software engineering and management studies (seminars, bachelor theses, master projects, master theses).

Open Theses

If you are interested in doing a bachelor thesis, master project, or master thesis with me, please contact me. The topics are along my research interests. I always try to align the thesis topic with my own research interests, the student interests, and ongoing projects. Hence, it is necessary to have a personal conversation before you start doing a thesis with me.

The following are specific topics for which I'm currently looking for students, ideally at master level. The links point to very concrete master theses, often set up in the context of interesting - sometimes international - collaborations.

Ongoing Theses:



Closed Theses:



Selected bachelor theses

In the past, I also held the following lectures: